The Golden Echo

Exploring a Hermeneutic of Hope


As a personalist educator, I prioritize the holistic formation of the human person within the classroom as a community of care.


My research focuses on how liturgy and ritual promote communication and community in literature and the classroom.

Virtual Conferencing

Not only are virtual conferences greener and more equitable, but they are also potential forms of public scholarship.

Headshot of Christopher Adamson

Welcome to the Golden Echo! I am Dr. Chris Adamson, an educational developer interested in how the current crisis in education calls for a grounding in the philosophy of education and a commitment to public scholarship. Within my home discipline of Victorian studies, I focus on medievalism and the connections between liturgy and literature. In my current project, “‘A Sacramental Moment’: Liturgy and Time in the Victorian Reception of the Past,” I propose that understanding the use of liturgical forms in Victorian texts enables a more nuanced view of literature than the secularization narrative provides and can even shed light on the way we currently receive the Victorian past or wield medieval discourses.

Here you will find my teaching materials and my thoughts on education and literature. Like “The Golden Echo,” by Gerard Manley Hopkins, my blog explores a hermeneutic of hope, a way of reading that affirms that poetry matters, the humanities matter, and you matter.

Faculty Development Portfolio

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