
70829197_10212265930723140_4937910031761801216_oI am a faculty development professional interested in ways that the current crisis in education calls for a grounding in philosophy of education and a commitment to public scholarship.

In a past life, I was a management studies researcher, focusing on public sector innovation, service-dominant logic, and ambiculturalism. You can find my research on innovation and creative synthesis over at the Academy of Management Review.

My research interests include public scholarship, Victorian poetry, medieval influences on Victorian literature, liturgical theology, and Victorian presentations of tobacco. In my current project, “‘A Sacramental Moment’: Liturgy and Time in the Victorian Reception of the Past,” I propose that understanding the use of liturgical forms in Victorian texts enables a more nuanced view of literature than the secularization narrative provides and can even shed light on the way we currently receive the Victorian past or wield medieval discourses.

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