If you’re new to the blog and wondering who that Br. Monday guy was from last Monday’s post, I thought I would collect all of his adventures again here.
1. Abba a Word
The start of the series with a little primer on the origins of the monastic movement and the Sayings of the Desert Fathers and Mothers.
2. A Tale of the Most Excellent Eavesdropper
Wherein Br. Monday does something he shouldn’t.
3. Once When a Hippopotamus was Ravaging the Neighboring Countryside
Br. Monday still doesn’t like talking about this.
Wherein Br. Monday gets a free brick!
5. If You Give a Monk a Fishing Net
Wait for the exciting sequel: If You Give a Hermit a H…oh never mind.
Wherein Br. Monday learns the true meaning of education.
7. Community, Conversatio Morum, and Crocodiles
Wherein Br. Monday wishes he had chosen a different life.
If you forget anything from this list — don’t worry! — Prof. John will fill you in.
In Br. Monday’s absence, we learned how a modern monk met the poet Czeslaw Milosz.
10. Br. Monday is Back and the Abbas aren’t Happy about It
Wherein Abba Moses becomes Br. Monday’s favorite by convincing the other abbas to leave him alone.
11. How to Make a Monk Laugh Part 1
Wherein Abba Pambo and Abba Giles have a disagreement.
12. 1500 Years Practice at Getting Along
It has to be a miracle that there haven’t been more Name of the Rose-style homicides in monasteries…
13. How to Make a Monk Laugh Part 2
Br. Monday still doesn’t get the joke, and I’m not sure I do either.
14. What Can the Desert Tell Us about the Researcher/Educator Debate?
Why not both?
15. The Last Thing Br. Monday Wants to Do
Let’s just say he wouldn’t mind taking the “labora” out of “ora et labora.”
16. Waiting for the Barbarians
Br. Monday still doesn’t get why he was the only one who ran.
17. Design
Br. Monday’s first retreat conference wherein he learns:
We are all alive together and bound into varying constellations by the live numbers of the proportions through which we see and touch each thing and the next.
18. First Love
Wherein Br. Monday learns a very important lesson about lying and matches.
19. Dignity
Br. Monday didn’t learn anything here.
20. Lady’s Man
Let’s just face it–every monk is one of these.
21. False Impression
Think you understand other parts of the world? So does Br. Monday…
22. Br. Monday Wishes You a Happy Labor Day
And he did just that, even though every day is a holiday for Br. Monday. Seriously, all he does is stand there with that look on his face whenever I ask him to help out with something.
23. Talking Points with an Abba
Out here in the desert, the Abba’s are always getting stuffy, churchy questions. Be the first to ask the Abba what he thinks about the last season of Arrested Development or if he’s going to wear his robes to The Force Awakens premier.
It is good that you are here. It is good that you are here. And most importantly: It is good that you are here.
Wherein I offend Br. Monday deeply. No, I won’t apologize.
Wherein we discover that Br. Monday and the Provincial have run off.
Abba Derrida has something to teach us about hospitality.
28. The Rule of the Thelemites
Gold give us, God forgive us,
And from all woes relieve us;
That we the treasure
May reap of pleasure,
And shun whate’er is grievous,
Gold give us, God forgive us.
– Inscription on the Gate of Theleme
“If I am I because I am I, and you are you because you are you, then I am I, and you are you. But if I am I because you are you, and you are you because I am I, then I am not I, and you are not you.”
30. The Hermitage of Br. Monday
This is what happens when you take away a monk’s TV.
Find out how to apply the monastic practice of lectio to your own reading.
32. The Metamorphosis of Br. Monday
Ever wonder how after all of these adventures Br. Monday grew about as much as George Costanza did after nine seasons? Here’s your answer.
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