Want to learn more about poetry and not sure where to start? Just beginning graduate school and trying to get your head around the state of the research? Or just want to get to know the people researching and writing about Victorian poetry?
Then you need to check out the Victorian Poetry Caucus coming out of the North American Victorian Studies Association.
As an “inclusive space of collaboration, scholarship, and community,” the VPC “offers a scholarly network for those whose research and teaching interests include the central role of poetry and poetics in the literary and cultural history of the long nineteenth-century.”
Here are some of the things you can find at the VPC site:
Featured Archival Poetry Images of the Month
The VPC has partnered with the both the Armstrong Browning Library and the University of Delaware Library’s Mark Samuels Lasner Collection. December’s image is already up and it’s fittingly a Christmas card from Robert Browning. You’ll also find drafts of poems and letters from poets!
The Latest Victorian Books
Over at the VPC bookshelf, you’ll find recent and forthcoming books from members. That can be a great way to keep up on books as they’re coming out. I’m, of course, very interested in Gerard Manley Hopkins and the Poetry of Religious Experience by Martin Dubois.
Upcoming Articles from Members
See what’s happening with current Victorian poetry research. Right now this page lists forthcoming articles from members, but it will soon start including poetry articles from various 19th-century journals.
And the Members Themselves
Meet the people who form the VPC too. If you’re new to Victorian studies or wanting to engage in more dialogue between prose and poetry, this can be a great way to get to know the people researching poetry and poetics now.
And if you’re studying poetry in the long 19th-century, then we’d love to have you join the VPC.
Remember, we love to share our colleagues’ work. So send us information on your books, articles, CFPs, and upcoming talks to VictorianPoetryCaucus@gmail.com.
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